/ news

Paul Mellon Centre Grant for Sigrid de Jong

Sigrid de Jong, postdoctoral researcher in our project, has been awarded a Publication Grant (Author) by the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art for her book based on her PhD thesis Rediscovering Architecture: Paestum in Eighteenth-Century Architectural Experience and Theory,

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Paul Mellon Centre Grant for Sigrid de Jong

Sigrid de Jong, postdoctoral researcher in our project, has been awarded a Publication Grant (Author) by the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art for her book based on her PhD thesis Rediscovering Architecture: Paestum in Eighteenth-Century Architectural Experience and Theory,

The origins of architecture according to Vitruvius

When conducting research related to architectural history, it is virtually impossible to avoid discussing the mother of all architectural treatises: Vitruvius’s De Architectura libri decem. In this classical text, dating from the time of the Roman Emperor Augustus,[1] we find the

The origins of architecture according to Vitruvius

When conducting research related to architectural history, it is virtually impossible to avoid discussing the mother of all architectural treatises: Vitruvius’s De Architectura libri decem. In this classical text, dating from the time of the Roman Emperor Augustus,[1] we find the

Henri Labrouste: exhibition + catalogue + conference

On 11 October opened in the Cité de l’Architecture in Paris the exhibition ‘Henri Labrouste (1801-1875): La structure mise en lumière’. I helped the curators, Corinne Bélier, Barry Bergdoll and Marc le Coeur, with the selection of material on Dutch

Henri Labrouste: exhibition + catalogue + conference

On 11 October opened in the Cité de l’Architecture in Paris the exhibition ‘Henri Labrouste (1801-1875): La structure mise en lumière’. I helped the curators, Corinne Bélier, Barry Bergdoll and Marc le Coeur, with the selection of material on Dutch

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Erasmus Research Prize for Sigrid de Jong

Sigrid de Jong, postdoctoral researcher in our project, has won the prestigious Research Prize of the Erasmus Prize Foundation for an exceptional PhD dissertation in the humanities and social sciences, for her PhD thesis Rediscovering Architecture: Paestum in Eighteenth-Century Architectural Experience and

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Erasmus Research Prize for Sigrid de Jong

Sigrid de Jong, postdoctoral researcher in our project, has won the prestigious Research Prize of the Erasmus Prize Foundation for an exceptional PhD dissertation in the humanities and social sciences, for her PhD thesis Rediscovering Architecture: Paestum in Eighteenth-Century Architectural Experience and

Charles Blanc, Grammaire des arts du dessin, 1867

Some years ago Louk Tilanus, my friend and collegue from the art history department at Leiden University, pulled out his copy of the Grammaire des arts du dessin by Charles Blanc, first published in 1867. He was surprised that I

Charles Blanc, Grammaire des arts du dessin, 1867

Some years ago Louk Tilanus, my friend and collegue from the art history department at Leiden University, pulled out his copy of the Grammaire des arts du dessin by Charles Blanc, first published in 1867. He was surprised that I

Peer review colloquium at the TU Delft

Back in the days when I was a student of architecture at the TU Delft, the way practicing architects and design educators look at architectural history and theory already struck me as a bit odd. Now that I have joined

Peer review colloquium at the TU Delft

Back in the days when I was a student of architecture at the TU Delft, the way practicing architects and design educators look at architectural history and theory already struck me as a bit odd. Now that I have joined

Primitivism at the 2012 Biennale, Venice

Primitivism is in the air! Or so it seems… Ever since the start of our project we have had the feeling that primitivism is becoming ‘a topic’, so to speak: the fact that last September a ‘Primitivism forum’ was launched

Primitivism at the 2012 Biennale, Venice

Primitivism is in the air! Or so it seems… Ever since the start of our project we have had the feeling that primitivism is becoming ‘a topic’, so to speak: the fact that last September a ‘Primitivism forum’ was launched

John Wood: Moses versus Vitruvius, a dialogue on origins

One of the texts that are of interest in our project, and specifically in my research on ‘Primitivism and architectural theory 1750-1850’ is John Wood’s The Origin of Building or the Plagiarism of the Heathens Detected (1741). It permits us

John Wood: Moses versus Vitruvius, a dialogue on origins

One of the texts that are of interest in our project, and specifically in my research on ‘Primitivism and architectural theory 1750-1850’ is John Wood’s The Origin of Building or the Plagiarism of the Heathens Detected (1741). It permits us

Online Piranesi exhibition at the Leiden University Library

As of today an online exhibition entitled ‘Piranesi : Revolutionary printmaker, illustrious architectural historian’ can be visited on the Special Collections website of the Leiden University Library. Since all our team members participated in some way in the 2009 course

Online Piranesi exhibition at the Leiden University Library

As of today an online exhibition entitled ‘Piranesi : Revolutionary printmaker, illustrious architectural historian’ can be visited on the Special Collections website of the Leiden University Library. Since all our team members participated in some way in the 2009 course

The art of religion. Sforza Pallavicino and Art Theory in Bernini’s Rome (Ashgate, 2012)

My book The Art of Religion came out with Ashgate this August. It is the synthesis of my work on art theory in seventeenth-century Rome. The basis for the book is my dissertation of 2001, published in Dutch in the

The art of religion. Sforza Pallavicino and Art Theory in Bernini’s Rome (Ashgate, 2012)

My book The Art of Religion came out with Ashgate this August. It is the synthesis of my work on art theory in seventeenth-century Rome. The basis for the book is my dissertation of 2001, published in Dutch in the